Our Purpose

The Supply Chain industry faces tremendous challenges whether structural and cyclical: Price volatility, information opacity, overbooking, last-minute cancellations, pressure on capacities and underutilization are all market defects that hinder its efficiency. This situation is increasingly detrimental to both sides of the  market. New solutions must be found and digitization is a real opportunity to unleash business.

 Our Vision  A world where the Supply Chain is made simple and fluid for everyone - with the freedom of exchanging everything, everywhere, the way you want, when you want

 Our Mission  Resetting the fundamentals of the Supply Chain to unleash the potential of every player


Our Adventure

Launched in November 2018, Upply is a Marketplace for Freight Transportation. By combining Supply Chain expertise and Data Science, Upply offers an instant vision on freight rates (Road, Sea, Air) at a global scale. The company's ambition is also to reconnect the supply and demand of road freight: Upply launched a Marketplace allowing to connect shippers and road transporters.

After three years of existence, the start-up already has around fifty employees, committed together to embody the Supply Chain.

Our Values

We belong to the freight industry

Born and raised in this industry, we aim to transform it for good

We encourage boldness

Bold changes starts with fearless ideas and nurture endless creativity

We empower users

Users come first. We are data-centric while user centric

We champion differences

Everyone matters. Diversity and inclusion fuels our company

Upply in key figures